I am a novice developer with business case ideas that I use for projects to develop web apps. I am currently working on a few ideas and I feel I need to contract out some of the development for the sake of improved productivity.

I’m caught between the hobbyist – “I want to do this myself for the skill development and pride” vs. the entrepreneur – “I want to deploy this asap to take it to market and test the viability in the real world.”

I am totally inexperienced at software lifecycle project management so I need some feedback on a few things that I am unclear on before I just start requesting proposals from developers.

  1. Is it as simple as creating a GitHub repo that other devs on the team can clone and update and submit pull requests as they complete work on the project?

  2. For a project that requires an API key, is it best practice to use a dev key (vs. prod key) that can be deleted and replaced with a new prod key once it’s time to ship/deploy to production? (This probably seems like a dumb question that maybe I’ve already answered, but I don’t want to assume it’s that simple)

  3. What are some other basic best practices that ensure optimal productivity and success for a project?

Thanks in advance!

submitted by /u/toddbrannon
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