I’m visually impaired and rely upon the Mac’s zoom function to use a computer efficiently.

The zoom functionality in Windows or Linux simply is not the best, and I cannot use it 8 hours a day for my job – I want to be as efficient and productive as possible.

I have a job working on a legacy ASP.NET website. I’ve been using a Windows 10 vm in Parallels to develop, build, and run this website. It’s rather slow but kinda manageable. Using a VM in Parallels allows me to use the Mac’s zoom function while using Windows, it kinda overlays it.

Would it be a better solution to have two separate computers: my iMac, and a Windows PC. Share the Windows PC’s hard drive over a network share thingy like Samba or SFTP. Access the .NET peoject’s files on the Mac through the network. This allows me to code with good zoom functionality since I could edit the files on the Mac through the network. Build and serve the project on the Windows machine, and access the website through the network from the Mac. This allows me to code, build, and view/test entirely within native environments, therefore eliminating virtualisation overheads, and making me more productive, so I don’t waste so much time waiting for a virtual CPU to compile stuff.

submitted by /u/picture_a_vacuum
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