Hello, this is my first software job out of grad school and I’m having serious trouble picking apart how everything works in our main product.

The main problem is that there’s about a million lines of code in this program, each class seems to have about 5000 lines of code, and not a single comment in any of them. Not only that, but it’s an incredibly complex program, every step in the program goes through many many processes.

The other people in my company who work on this program are the same 10 developers that started it 15 years ago. When a problem pops up, they edit it and that’s it. They know most of it by heart. I’ve looked for any documentation on what the classes do, UML to see how things all interconnect, but nothing.

Any suggestions on how to start tackling this? I’m well aware it might take a very long time to even learn the basics. I’m thinking maybe start the program in debug mode and watch the steps that happen when I do something? Or start commenting my way through the code? Advice on how to learn this please.

submitted by /u/rhlSF
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