I just inherited a team of 9 developers who are working to build a product. There previous manager just quit 2 weeks ago. My title is director of infrastructure and I now have 31 people under my direction with 3 team leads. The developers have no team lead and no one interested in it, so I guess it’s me until we backfill.

The team was right in the middle of getting their telework policy changed. They are free to telework 3 days a week, but the previous manager was fighting for the right to hire remote developers. 3 of the 9 team members are fully remote. They were in a trial period for 3 months and were supposed to show metrics that prove working remote “works”.

I’m being asked to pick this up, but I’m not sure what measures of effectiveness or measures of performances to use for developers. We’re using gitlab community edition and I can see their milestones, issues, merge requests, etc. I don’t know if I should report on number of issues fixed, merge requests, etc. I’ve read into the agile methodology and using story points, but I’d be starting from the ground up.

Any dev managers out there willing to give me some tips?

submitted by /u/gotnikes
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