Few people are at this point in time willing to bet their money on .Net Framework, simply because .Net Core is obviously the future. This creates problems for us developers, since a lot of the tools we have grown used to, simply doesn’t exist in .Net Core. One example of such a tool is Microsoft Workflow Foundation. According to what I’ve read, Microsoft is not willing to port Workflow Foundation to .Net Core either, so as you cross the bridge into “.Net Core land”, you’ll have to leave workflows behind.

What is Microsoft Workflow Foundation?

To find out how to replace Workflow Foundation, we must first ask ourselves what its primary feature is. As in, what makes MWF valuable for developers, and why have so many chosen to use it over the years?

Few people are at this point in time willing to bet their money on .Net Framework, simply because .Net Core is obviously the future. This creates problems for us developers, since a lot of the tools we have grown used to, simply doesn’t exist in .Net Core. One example of such a tool is Microsoft Workflow Foundation. According to what I’ve read, Microsoft is not willing to port Workflow Foundation to .Net Core either, so as you cross the bridge into “.Net Core land”, you’ll have to leave workflows behind.
What is Microsoft Workflow Foundation?
To find out how to replace Workflow Foundation, we must first ask ourselves what its primary feature is. As in, what makes MWF valuable for developers, and why have so many chosen to use it over the years? […]