Recently, I started to see an issue with my IDE locking up after just a few minutes of usage. The situation was really odd, as it seemed that the editor portion of the IDE would cause the program to lock-up when I attempted to allow the intelligent code completion to fire. When this happened, I would have to force the application to quit, then find the task ID of all the servers running in all of the IDE sessions I had open … and kill them.
The following commands became my friend:
Recently, I started to see an issue with my IDE locking up after just a few minutes of usage. The situation was really odd, as it seemed that the editor portion of the IDE would cause the program to lock-up when I attempted to allow the intelligent code completion to fire. When this happened, I would have to force the application to quit, then find the task ID of all the servers running in all of the IDE sessions I had open … and kill them.
The following commands became my friend: […]