A little background, I’m brand new, like newborn new in software development. I’m just now learning a couple languages. I’m still very new to many technical terms and such. Explaining like I’m 5 would be nice!

The reason I’m asking this question is to know would it be possible for there to be some kind of programming or software that could be used by a search engine in the US that would allow someone to automatically have access to other countries’ internet based on their preferences?

Ex) A person who is American but grandparents stay in Brazil could go to a search engine in the US and set a preference to be able to see US content and Brazilian content? Not necessarily have %100 access but at least viewable? Is that a thing already?

I understand that a person can view other countries internet but other steps have to be taken. Could it be possible to just have the option in the search engine?

Absolutely any help would be awesome!

submitted by /u/Nashy-
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