Hi all, I recently changed jobs, and even though I’ve always had code reviews, I’m finding them really frustrating this time. I keep being asked to change things that are more personal preferences than actual requirements of the ticket. Code reviews drag on for days, which makes me feel unproductive and useless. Sometimes I’m asked for an apparently small changed that requires me to re-architecture my solution, all because the requirements of the ticket are not well specified. The fact that we have 2 reviewers per ticket makes it even worse, when one of the reviewers don’t like the changes suggested by the other one, and I have to undo stuff. Am I the only one feeling like this? I would like to know how you cope with the critiques. Do you have discussions with the reviewer? or just make the changes? I hate conflict, so if I say I disagree with something and the reviewer insists that I make the change I just end up doing it.

Sorry for the rant, but I needed to get it off my chest, and would like to know other people feelings about this.


submitted by /u/tenbio
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