Recently we want very fast communication between our distributed system, our payload was also considered so we try to evaluate different protocols like AVRO, Thrift, Protobuff, and MessagePack. I will try to cover each one in-depth starting with AVRO, so stay tuned for others.

So what is AVRO?

AVRO is a data serialization framework. It uses JSON to define the schema and serialize data into a binary compact format that can be store in persistent storage or transfer across the wire. We are not going to go in details of definition but will concentrate on implementation and its pros and cons.

Recently we want very fast communication between our distributed system, our payload was also considered so we try to evaluate different protocols like AVRO, Thrift, Protobuff, and MessagePack. I will try to cover each one in-depth starting with AVRO, so stay tuned for others.
So what is AVRO?
AVRO is a data serialization framework. It uses JSON to define the schema and serialize data into a binary compact format that can be store in persistent storage or transfer across the wire. We are not going to go in details of definition but will concentrate on implementation and its pros and cons. […]