Separate and Abstract code in its own scope, making it accessible and included again!
That’s the thing that JavaScript module systems help us to achieve. JavaScript applications tend to grow fast and without any kind of structure in place. It is often very difficult to keep a clean code-base in larger JavaScript applications. Traditionally, different techniques, like IIFE, Revealing Module Pattern, etc. are used to achieve modularity in the beginning, but as application complexity grows, more sophisticated systems are required, and various module systems are available for us to use.
Separate and Abstract code in its own scope, making it accessible and included again!
That’s the thing that JavaScript module systems help us to achieve. JavaScript applications tend to grow fast and without any kind of structure in place. It is often very difficult to keep a clean code-base in larger JavaScript applications. Traditionally, different techniques, like IIFE, Revealing Module Pattern, etc. are used to achieve modularity in the beginning, but as application complexity grows, more sophisticated systems are required, and various module systems are available for us to use.&nbs […]