Hello all,

I have been playing Tetris effect lately and while I love the idea behind it, the music is not quite to my tastes.

I would like to be able to go into the program and add my own custom music and SFX to the game in order that I can add or amend to the existing music and make an experience that is more suited to my tastes.

I have a little experience working in c#, but I’m otherwise fairly new to software development and have no modding experience at all.

I couldn’t find any existing modding projects for the game, so it looks as though I’d have to do it myself from the ground up.

I have a few questions if anyone is able to help:

Are there any ways to estimate the complexity/time needed to do such a mod?

Is there a good resource explaining how to work with Pak files (it doesn’t seem to be a renamed zip file).

Are there any communities that work specifically on PC mods that may be available to discuss this kind of project, or is here the best place?

Finally, are there any legal issues I should be aware of when modding a game? I’m assuming at this point that anything I do it for myself is fine, but I may need to be careful if I ever choose to share this work that I’m not sharing any copyrighted materials.

Thanks in advance for anyone who can provide any answers to my questions – I’m sure for someone of my experience level it will just result in more questions, but it’s a project I think I would enjoy as long as it is acheiveable for me to do it. I think I have enough audio experience for that to be less of an issue – we’ll see though!

submitted by /u/ChobblyBobbly
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