Hi all,

let me describe my scenario because maybe I’m not looking in the right direction.

I’m developing a microservice architecture right now and one of my fears is that, at some point, I’ll lose track about which microservices and messages are involved in a specific flow. For that I’ve thought about having a “map” representing each microservice and, for every of them, which messages accepts and which messages send. That would allow me also to represent relationships between them and how messages flow between microservices.

I explored “manual” ways of doing that but propably the map would be outdated because we are humans and once we have a workload peak we are going to forget about updating and keeping the map consistent.

That’s why I started thinking in more “automated” ways of doing that. Since we are using NestJS for developing the microservices and you have decorators for specifying which messages do you accept and specific functions for sending messages, I was thinking about using some tool for analyzing the code and extracting the decorators to know messages accepted and to extract the `send` or `emit` calls to know messages sent. The problem is that I’m completely lost there and I don’t know even where to start looking for or if there are tools for that.

Also if you have recommendations about a different approach for having a source of truth about microservices communications and tracing the route of a specific action across the microservice network, I’d appreciate it.


submitted by /u/d0nzok
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